Written project

For whom?

Minors involved in an act defined as an indictable offence, in a case heard in Juvenile Court.
The minor concerned and his / her lawyer wish to suggest to Juvenile Court how he / she can assume responsibility for the offences committed.

What do we do?

The minor is informed by a COHEesie staff member about the various commitments that may be included in the written project.
With a draft of the written project, the minor is referred to his / her lawyer to finalise the written project proposal.

How to enrol?

  • On one’s own initiative.
  • At the request of Juvenile Court, lawyer, counsellor…


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Address: H. Consciencestraat 9/2, 8500 KORTRIJK Telephone: 056/20 63 93 Mail: cohesie@cjgb.be